What To Do If You Have Multiple Passions In Life

Make them have sex.

Ryan Johnston
3 min readMar 8, 2018

In today’s world it’s easy to be pulled in a million different directions. By media, friends, family, work, hobbies. Everyone and everything wants your attention. The same can go for our passions.

Photo by John Jennings on Unsplash

For some reason we think we can chase multiple other things, but when it comes to our passions we have to pick just one.

That’s advice for sheep.

Make a list of all your passions, interests, and curiosities.

Once you have them down, start looking at ways you can combine them.

Pro Tip: If you have a passion for writing, teaching, or speaking, you can combine those with any other passion.

If you’re not sure of ways to combine different passions then try a few out at a time.

Pick at least three and commit to working on each one for 2 hours a week. More if you can afford to spend more time.

Keep this up for several weeks, spending at least 6 hours total each week to do these three things.

Pay Attention

Pay attention to any overlap in your passions. Pay attention to the ways they might be influencing each other. Pay attention to skills you use in all of them. Look for ways they might be combined with each other.


Keep doing this with all of your interests.

Maybe drop one and keep two, then add a new one. Maybe start three new ones.

Keep doing this over and over to see how your passions interact. Find which ones you absolutely want to keep and which ones are just passing interests.

Accept Mediocrity

Some passions will be things you do every day for the rest of your life. Others will be things you pick up for a few months and then drop, only to come back to them in a year. Others still will be things you’re passionate about now that you want to dive into really deeply and get as involved as you can. Then, one day, you might realize you’ve plumbed the depths of that interest and you’re done with it.

That’s OK!

Accept that you won’t and don’t need to be a world-class expert in every passion you have.

Many of your passions you do simply because you love them and it fills a need in your life. There’s nothing wrong with that.

The world will tell you you have to be an expert at it. Well, the world is stupid.

If you want to be like everyone else, then, sure, do it the world’s way. Otherwise, do what works for you and make no apologies.

Your passions are YOUR passions, no one else’s.

This is your life to live. Don’t apologize for living it the way you want.

Download a free copy of Ryan’s ebook Your Voice Matters right here.

Ryan Johnston is a writer, speaker, and maker who lives near Topeka, Kansas with his family, dog, cat, 20 chickens, and 3 rabbits. Follow him on Instagram at @ryanjohnston1982.



Ryan Johnston

Live different, make a difference. Writer. Speaker. Maker. Father of 3. Husband of 1.